Remember what happened to Latvia, to the people and land of Latvia during the Soviet and German National Socialist regimes, from 1940-1991;
Commemorate those who were unjustly convicted and murdered, who died in foreign wars, those who suffered and died during the repressions and deportations, those who fled the occupation forces, and those scattered throughout the world;
Remind the powers of the other states of the world of the offences carried out against the Latvian state, its land and people.
The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia is a state accredited private museum, founded in 1993. It is maintained and managed by the public charitable organisation the Occupation Museum Association of Latvia (LOMB).
In 2006 the Latvian Parliament approved the Law of the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia, which established relations with LOMB, provides state financial support for the museum and strengthens the museum’s right to use the building and adherent land. In 2010, 2011 and 2012 the museum received only 10% of its yearly operational budget from the state, the other funds were donations from visitors and supporters. The largest support for the museum comes from the international Latvian community – both organisations and individual donors.
A visit to the museum is part of the diplomatic protocol of Latvia and the museum is visited by many foreign leaders, diplomats and other representatives on official visits.
The Occupation Museum Association of Latvia (OMB) is the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia’s legal owner and manager. The association is a registered on the registry of Latvian state associations and foundations, and operates in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Latvia and the statute of the OMB. The OMB is the successor to the Occupation Museum Foundation (OMF), which operated from 1993 until 2006, when it was re-registered according to the Law on Public Organisations in the Republic of Latvia. The OMB was defined in the statute as “a charitable, non-profit association whose aim is to manage and provide structure for the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia and its related research and educational activities.” The OMB’s highest executive decision occurs at the members meeting, when the OMB board is elected as the executive body of the association.
The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia, as a branch of the OMB, works on the basis of the OMB charter and on regulations approved in board meetings, which defines “the museum’s mission, objectives, tasks, structures, the functions of officials and other employees, financial security, rights and obligations”
The OMB charter (in Latvian).
OMB Members
Aija Abene, Jānis Andersons, Inese Auziņa-Smita, Gints Apals, Valdis Bērziņš, Uldis Brūns, Dzintra Bungs, Inta Bušmane, Pēteris Celms, Ojārs Celle, Ilze Gehe, Oskars Gruziņš, Sarmīte Ēlerte, Ivars Ījabs, Ritvars Jansons, Viesturs Kairišs, Rasma Kārkliņa, Raimonds Kerno, Taiga Kokneviča, Daina Krastiņa, Guntars Krasts, Matīss Kukainis, Irēne Lazda, Paulis Lazda, Valdis Liepiņš, Ilmārs Mežs, Gundega Michele, Lelde Neimane, Valters Nollendorfs, Rihards Pētersons, Egons Piķelis, Vineta Poriņa, Anna Putniņa, Inguna Role, Pēteris Simsons, Aivars Sinka, Maija Sinka, Līga Strazda, Edvīns Šnore, Ivars Švānfelds, Pēteris Tērmanis, Mudīte Upatniece, Inga Vilcāne, Lilita Zaļkalns, Ģirts Zēgners
OMB Non-Active Members
Daina Albertiņa, Kristofs Blaus, Rolands Blezūrs, Pēteris Bolšaitis, Franks Gordons (Efrayim Gordon), Uldis Grava†, Ināra Graudiņa, Sandra Kalniete,Juris Kaža, Ilze Kuduliņa, Jānis Kramēns, Ainārs Lerhis, Andrejs Ozoliņš†, Artis Pabriks, Anna Putniņa, Ints Rupners, Pauls Paudseps, Silvija Rūtenberga†, Ilze Schwartz†, Ieva Skangale, Aivars Staško, Dagnija Staško, Mārtiņš Vanags, Anna Žīgure
OMB Governors
Dzintra Bungs, Oskars Gruziņš, Guntars Krasts, Valters Nollendorfs, Rihards Pētersons
Chairman of the board– Valters Nollendorfs
OMB Financial Commission
Guntars Krasts – Chairman
Valdis Bērziņš
Valdis Krastiņš
Ilmārs Mežs
Ivars Švānfelds
OMB Nomination Commission
Inta Bušmane – Chairman
Oskars Gruziņš
Taiga Kokneviča
Gundega Michele
Ģirts Zēgners
OMB Auditing Commission
Egons Piķelis – Chairman
Raimonds Kerno
Matīss Kukainis
OMB History and Research Commission
Paulis Lazda
Aija Abens
Gints Apals
Ilze Gehe
Ritvars Jansons
Viesturs Kairišs
Guntars Krasts
Ilmārs Mežs
Edvīns Šnore
Dzintra Bungs
OMB board chairman
+371 67 212 715